Great Lakes Tattoo

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Travel & Happenings


AUG 10-11
"Marcello's take on the traditional style is both classic and nuanced at the same time. One can see the vestiges of earlier tattoo artists, especially Sailor Jerry and August “Cap” Coleman, in her pinups. However, she has stylistically distanced her work from that of her predecessors through the radical sense of character with which she imbues each of her attractive female figures as well as the way she vibrantly colors them. Also, because she works in fine lines, she is able to pack a considerable amount of detail into these relatively small pieces of body art. In short, each one of her pinups has a pronounced, peppy personality."


Looking forward to having Chad Koeplinger, Mikey Holmes, and Glennie Whittall back at GLT next month! Contact them directly to book in. 


These tattoo machines and business card are part of Great Lakes Tattoo's permanent collection. They are personal machines of Tatts Thomas and Ralph Johnstone. Tatts and Ralph both tattooed on State Street in downtown Chicago in the South loop neighborhood. The Tatts machines are the machines on either side. The left machine was manufactured by Owen Jensen and the right was made by Bill Moore at the Chicago Tattoo Supply house, which he owned. The center machine is Ralph Johnstone's personal machine and is a "Jonesy" style.  The business card is their shared business card from the "Hollywood Arcade" where they both tattooed on State Street in Downtown Chicago. 

Come by the shop any day of the week between 12-8 to get a closer look at these as well as the extensive collection of Chicago Tattoo History artifacts that Great Lakes Tattoo is home to.

Everyday is Chicago Tattoo History Day @greatlakestatoo  Stop in to see the displays of the tattooers who worked the early days in South State Street.